Joy Pact Purpose

Do you ever feel like there is so much out there in the world that it is impossible to do it all? The endless possibilities can be so exciting, yet at the same time so overwhelming. It is like being at the top of an outlook. From the top, you can see all the wonderful and thrilling things that life has to offer, calling out to you to explore them. But then, when you take a step back, you realize how difficult it will be to get to them. The uncertainty, the planning, the research, the time, all these hurdles that make getting out there difficult. That’s why we are making Joy Pact. We at Joy Pact want to help you on your journey so that it is not so daunting, but rather enjoyable.

Little by little, we will delve into the world, creating content to inspire and encourage you to go out, create new experiences, and make memories that you can cherish. This will be a fun, never ending adventure with the sole goal of adding more joy to life. We hope you join us whether that be through supporting, reading, or even contributing to our mission. 

Join the Joy Pact

The Joy Pact is a commitment you make with yourself to give joy to your soul. Finding joy could be exploring parts of the world: visiting interesting locations or trying different cuisines with diverse people. It could be spending your day-to-day life more meaningfully: getting out of your comfort zone or creating unique experiences with friends. It could be learning something new: exploring a new hobby or delving deep into novel concepts. As we try to dissect this world through our experiences, we hope to understand more of life and share our stories with more people. 

Something that we have learned is that joyful people spread joy to others. Our hope is that as people become a part of our mission, this positive mindset will spread in our communities as well. 

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