Our Mission:

Inspire others to enjoy more of life by introducing entertaining and engaging ideas and experiences

Joy Pact

Meet the faces behind the words

Megan Miyamoto


Hello! I am Megan. A little bit about me is I love board games, hiking, reading, food culture, travel, and trying new things. My most recent adventure was that I participated in the Disney College Program at Disney World. Catch me writing articles at a local coffee shop because I love the cafe productivity vibes. I hope to help create this as a space for exploration and Joy!

Farnaz Behdinan


Hi! I’m Farnaz. If you asked me about my favorite free time activities, I would tell you that I love roller skating, creating art, making fun videos, exploring unique places, and trying new foods! My most recent venture is a sticker business I started called FarnieDesigns and I love working on making new designs and packing orders. I hope to share my fun stories here and spread Joy! 


It was the first day of band camp Sophomore year. Megan thought Farnaz was a freshman (because she was the new kid) and Farnaz thought Megan was really cool! We went through many ups and downs that semester, but ended up going on our first out of state trip to Hawaii with our marching band! This was the first time we traveled together, and immediately fell in love with exploring places together. 

As years went on, we ended up carpooling because we both lived far from school. Little did we know that this was the best thing that could have happened to our friendship. We both have many similarities (like being super creative and trying new things) and complete each other in the best way. In high school, we started a food culture club together that celebrated our differences. During Covid, we ended up going to different colleges while both studying the same degree: business administration.

That brings us to now, Joy Pact! We both wanted to start a project together that could hopefully make a difference in people’s lives and bring more joy. As we take on this mission to spread our Joyful adventures, inspirations, and knowledge, stay tuned for the next chapter in our lives as we take you along with us!